Monthly wrap-up, June 2023

Oh hell, where'd June go? It was such a whirlwind of a month. Oh yeah, Happy Pride!

The month kicked off with WWDC (the Apple Developer conference) — I watched it from home. Despite not being an Apple Developer I love watching the keynote and hearing about what's coming. I'm pretty excited about the iOS 17 changes, no matter how minor they are. I did pop the beta onto my main phone and then reverted after a week or so — had a few hiccups that weren't worth it. But I'll be on the Public Beta I think — do you have any thoughts about the announcements from WWDC?

In keeping with the trend of nerdy announcements that I like to watch: Summer Game Fest was hot on the heels of WWDC. There's some pretty interesting news that came out of those announcements - I'm looking forward to Starfield, seeing more about Fable, and a handful of other games. Seems like we're getting out of our Covid funk as far as development goes.

After that big news, the rest of the month really just zipped by - here's a summary of some notable bits:

Favorite things this month:

Photos from the month:

Catching a beautiful sunset on a night out
The shining shimmering scepter we made for Pride