The Maintenance of Anxiety

Since being diagnosed with generalized anxiety disorder in January 2022, I've been on a path of reckoning and recalibration. Over time I've learned what my body & mind need and that if I neglect any of these areas, anxiety can start to rumble back up. Here's my maintenance schedule for anxiety...

Since being diagnosed with generalized anxiety disorder in January 2022, I've been on a path of reckoning and recalibration. I dove headfirst into therapy, which went well while also focusing on improving my overall health (since much of my anxiety stems from health / physical feelings). Over time I've learned what my body & mind need and that if I neglect any of these areas, anxiety can start to rumble back up. I'm sure we've all heard the analogy of a body being like a car; you need regular checkups and maintenance to keep that car healthy.

Here's my maintenance schedule for anxiety:

What I'm saying here may not seem surprising if you've had anxiety or know anyone who has. This maintenance is all run-of-the-mill stuff; hell, I likely have it easier than quite a few people out there. My point isn't to draw attention to myself but to break into that strange stigma around _talking_ about anxiety and mental health and what you can do about it. So here it is. None of this should be taken as advice or mirrored without consulting a doctor first.

But nonetheless: remember to take care of yourselves, folks.